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France turns on Algeria for this reason


 France turns on Algeria for this reason

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France former ambassador to Algeria, Xavier Driencourt, attacks the Sixty-eighth agreement between Algeria and France.

He called for reviewing it even if it required risking a new diplomatic crisis and tightening laws for people coming from North Africa.

Xavier Driencourt

And the cancellation of the agreement with Algeria, which grants facilitation of the movement, work and residence of Algerians in France and preference for its immigrants from entering France continuously.

  Therefore, France must review it in order to clean up its relationship with Algeria. Under the agreement, Algerians benefit from the freedom to establish companies or practice a free profession.

  They also benefit from accelerating the issuance of residency, which is valid for 10 years, as well as the entry of 35,000 Algerian workers into France annually for a period of three years.

  Algerian immigrants enjoy many benefits related to residence permits and family reunification that immigrants of other nationalities do not enjoy.

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Algerian writer, my name is Maryam Saoud, I am 30 years old, I graduated from the University of Oran and I am currently working in the field of news writers for 3 local newspapers in Algeria, and this site is for me only
